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Wind Generation Performance, CO2 Reduction & Economic impacts
Wind Energy is intermittent, unpredictable and variable   View online    Download PDF
Wind Power is unreliable and inefficient   View online   Download PDF
Wind replaces Coal & Gas generation   View online   Download PDF
Wind Power does not reduce CO2 emissions   View online   Download PDF
Industrial Wind Generating Plant safety   View online   Download PDF
Wind doesn't reduce CO2: Wind and CO2 Performance of Irish Grid on the 4th April Gale and 19th April Calm   View online   Download PDF
Cost and Quantity of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Avoided by Wind Generation
By Peter Lang   View online   Download PDF
Estimation of real emissions reduction caused by wind generators
O. Liik, R. Oidram, M. Keel   View online   Download PDF
IESO - Integrating Renewable Generation   View online   Download PDF The hidden fuel costs of wind generated electricity.
K. de Groot & C. le Pair    View online   Download PDF
Bentek - How Less Became More   View online Bentek - The Wind Power Paradox  View online
Analysis of UK Wind Power Generation by Stuart Young Consulting (An excellent analysis whose findings apply to Wind Power in general)   View online Irish Academy of Engineering new report: "Energy Policy and economic Recovery 2010-2015"   View Abstract   View online   View Technical Annex online   Download PDF   Download Technical Annex PDF
LSARC Critique of Bow Lake Heritage and Tourism Impact Assessment    
Download PDF (225KB)
LSARC and Dr. Ross McKitrick's Critique of "Greenwich Economic Impact Study"

Download Dr. McKitricks report (PDF 442KB)
Wind Generation Health Impacts
Bruce McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study - Adverse Health Effects Produced by Large Industrial Wind Turbines Confirmed, by Stephen E. Ambrose, INCE (Brd. Cert.) and Robert W. Rand, INCE Member:     View online      Download PDF
Industrial Wind Generating Plants cause human health problems   View online   Download PDF
Critique of "Wind Turbines and Health A Rapid Review of the Evidence" by Wayne Gulden, September 2010     View online      Download PDF
Wind Turbines can be Hazardous to Human Health - Alec N. Salt, Ph.D., Cochlear Fluids Research Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis.    View Online
Recent research on low frequency noise from wind turbines     View online
Why A-weighted Wind Turbine Sound Measurements are Misleading by Dr. A. Salt    View Online
Health Can Cut on the Bias: Old Pattern or New Design?   Download PDF
 Why it is Difficult to Demonstrate the Infrasound Generated by Wind Turbines by Dr. A. Salt    View Online
Industrial Wind Turbines Generate Infrasound by Dr. Alex Salt     View Online
550 Meter, or Lower, Setbacks are Insane - by Dr. A. Salt     View Online
The Ear Detects Infrasound at Levels that are not Heard - by Dr. A. Salt     View Online
Presentation to Internoise 2012 - by Dr. A. Salt    Download PDF
Who’s protecting our health? Risks of harm associated with energy facilities A commentary by Carmen Krogh, BScPharm  View Online     Download PDF (7.2MB)
Genetic effects of insufficient sleep     Download PDF (1.6MB)
Pre and Post-turbine Update
Submission: Industrial Wind Turbines can Harm Humans     Download PDF (37KB)
Health and Social-economic impacts reported in Ontario by Carmen Krogh, BScPharm
Sleep disturbances and suicide risk: A review of the literature     Download PDF (82KB)
Risk of Harm and Industrial Wind Energy Facilities Physicians as Health Advocates
A Commentary by Carmen Krogh, BScPharm    Download PDF (49KB)
Open Submission: Risk of Harm to Children and Industrial Wind Turbines by Carmen Krogh, BScPharm     Download PDF (2MB)
Open letter conclusivley demonstrated wind turbine health effects by Brett Horner     Download PDF (803KB)
Low Frequency Noise manifest as Vibro Acoustic Disease in Equines and manifests lower limb deformities     Download PDF (1.7MB)
National Health and Medical Research Council open letter July 31 2012 by Brett Horner     Download PDF (385KB) Open letter to Steven Harper re Health Canada Study feb-11-2013 by Brett Horner
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Literature Reviews on Wind Turbines and Health : Are They Enough?
Brett Horner, Roy D. Jeffery and Carmen M. E. Krogh, Bulletin of Science Technology & Society 2011 31: 399 DOI: 10.1177/0270467611421849
Download PDF (360KB)

Wind Generation Environmental Impacts
Industrial Wind Generating Plants kill birds   View online   Download PDF Impacts of Wind Farms on Upland Habitats: The Environmental Cost of Scotland’s Renewable Revolution" by The John Muir Trust   View online   Download PDF
University of Newcastle (2002) Visual Assessment of Windfarms Best Practice. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report F01AA303A   View online Low-frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods, Andre et al 2011   View Abstract online   View Article online   Download PDF

Location, Location, Location - Migration, Migration, Migration
An indepth discussion on the McGuinty Liberals irresponsible handling of important bird areas, migration routes and sensitive wildlife areas in siting Industrial Wind Turbines.  Mr. Wegner has an Honours BSc in Environmental Science degree and has spent many years as a wildlife photographer, traveling from one coast of Canada to the other, and north to south as well.  He has no wind projects anywhere near him.

    “This is truly an international problem, one that so many developers and local/state/provincial governments pooh-pooh as a NIMBY issue in order to slide the deals through.  This problem runs from the arctic to the tip of South America — and that is one helluva big backyard!”
View online     Download the full document (1.6MB PDF)

Responses to Wind Developer Spin Download map of proposed Wind projects between Sault Ste Marie & Montreal River Harbour

Download Swindle: the Cons of Industrial Wind by C. Bayne (JPG 720 Kb)

Response to HGC Literature Review by John Harrison


The low frequency report, prepared by Howe Gastmeier Chapnik Ltd. was commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), released in draft form in August 2010, released in final form to MOE in December 2010 and to the public in August 2011.  Why MOE is issuing it now as a press release is a mystery.  This response will address the report itself and the news release from the Ministry of the Environment.

A glaring omission from the report and the news release is the motivation for the commission to HGC.  The motivation of course is that a large number of residents living in proximity to wind turbines are suffering from annoyance, sleep deprivation and resulting adverse health effects.  The root cause of the annoyance is the noise generated by wind turbines. 

The commission focussed on low frequency audible sound and infrasound because at a distance of several hundred metres from a turbine much of the high frequency sound has been absorbed by the atmosphere.

The annoyance associated with turbine noise is considerably larger than noise of a similar sound pressure level generated by traffic or industrial noise.  For instance field studies by Pedersen, van den Berg, Bakker and Bouma (referenced in the report) show 15% and 27% of a population are annoyed[1] by sound pressure levels in the ranges 35 to 40 dBA and 40 to 45 dBA respectively.  These numbers are to be compared to 3% of a population annoyed by traffic noise in the same sound pressure level range.  The present Ontario noise limit is 40 dBA; the noise limit before the Green Energy Act was 51 dBA in a sufficiently high wind.  As noted below the Ontario noise limit is based upon prediction with significant noise contributions to the prediction not considered.

Possible reasons for the difference in response to turbine noise and road or industrial noise is the predominance of low frequencies in the turbine noise and the characteristic amplitude modulation of turbine noise at the blade passage frequency; this amplitude modulation draws continual attention to the turbine noise in the way that a dripping tap does.  The wind industry and its lobbyists make much of the contribution of attitude to wind turbines to the annoyance.  However, it is difficult to think that the attitude to industrial plants or road noise would be any less benign.  In addition, while Pedersen et al. show a linear dependence of annoyance on the turbine sound pressure level there is no similar study showing a linear dependence of annoyance on attitude!

Not only does the report and news release avoid mention of the motivation for the commission, neither MOE, the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health nor HGC made any attempt to interview those suffering from adverse health effects.

Not for nothing do the following health and other experts propose setbacks well beyond those allowed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment:

Table of setbacks recommmended by various experts


The HGC report gives considerable prominence to the Colby et al. health study and to the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Arlene King, health study.  The one was commissioned by the Canadian/American Wind Energy Authorities and the other by the Ontario Government which is far from unbiased with respect to wind energy.  Both are seriously flawed, notably in having no interest in the numerous people suffering from adverse health effect and in emphasizing the absence of direct health effects.  Generally the adverse health effects are indirect: sleeplessness and annoyance leading to stress-related illnesses.  This is recognized by the World Health Authority which considers annoyance and stress as adverse health effects.  A recent paper by Dr. Carl Phillips, a noted epidemiologist, offers a detailed critique.  The King report is marred by an erroneous quotation from the 2009 Pederson et al. paper of the number of people annoyed by turbine noise.  Dr. King has yet to acknowledge this error/deception. 

Technical Review

As must be, much of the HGC report concerns technical aspects of noise generation and sound propagation.  Here there is a fairly complete literature review.  However, this section fails to emphasize that the turbine manufacturers are aware that the future of widespread acceptance of wind energy will depend upon reducing noise and low-frequency noise.  To quote:

“The acoustic noise radiating from wind turbines continues to be the dominant design driver that must be incorporated into the design process.  The tip speed of many turbine designs is limited by the amount of noise created by the blades passing through the atmosphere.” Moriarty (NREL, USA) et al., AIAA Conference Proceedings (2005).

“ …noise emission….has become one of the most important environmental impacts of wind energy.”  (Romero-Sanz and Matesanz (GAMESA Spain), Wind Engineering, 32, 27-44 (2008))

As stated in the report a major cause of turbine noise is aerodynamic trailing-edge vortex creation.  There has been theoretical and wind-tunnel research to investigate the effect of different blade cross-sections on TE noise.

Perhaps of far more importance for low frequency and infrasound noise is the work on inflow turbulence.  HGC, the Ministry of the Environment and CanWEA continue to bury their heads in the sand concerning this issue.  This important noise source has been brought to the attention of MOE and the Canadian acoustics community by bringing to light the early work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the USA.  This work demonstrated through theoretical work based upon the mathematical modelling by Amiet and through experimental work with the NREL CART up-wind test turbine that turbulent inflow considerably enhances the low frequency noise emitted by turbines.  More recently, Dr. Moriarty has brought to my attention their continuing work, in collaboration with Dr. Guidati, well-known as a co-author of the Wagner et al. treatise on wind turbine noise.

On July 8th, 2011, The National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Risø, Denmark placed the following description in an advertisement for a scholarship: “Noise is an interesting concern for wind turbine manufacturers and communities living near wind turbines.  These concerns are exacerbated by the constant increase of wind turbine sizes and the cost advantages of placing turbines close to the consumers.  The design of low-noise turbines requires the use of validated and accurate engineering models.  The main sources of noise generated by a wind turbine have been identified as turbulent inflow noise and trailing edge noise”

If still not convinced then Figure 32 of a recent report by K.D. Madsen and T.H. Pedersen should be enough (“Low Frequency Noise from Large Wind Turbines” DELTA report AV-1272/10 (2010)).

Other work not referenced concerns measurement of turbulence intensity.  This work is being done because turbulence increases dramatically low frequency noise, because it puts stress on the turbine blades and because, with associated wake loss, it decreases the capacity factor of downwind turbines.  A list of references that needed to be addressed is as follows:

Lange et al., “Modelling of Offshore Wind Turbine Wakes”, Wind Energy, 6, 87 (2003).

Barthelmie et al., “Modelling and measured Power Losses and Turbulence Intensity …”, Wind Energy, 10, 517 (2007).

Wagner et al., “Influence of Wind Speed Profile on Wind Turbine Performance Measurements”, Wind Energy, 12, 348, (2009).

Barthelmie et al., “Off-Shore Wind Turbine Wakes Measured by Sodar”, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 20, 466 (2003). 

Bertaglio, “NACA0015 Measurements in LM Wind Tunnel and Turbulence Generated Noise”, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (2008) (report # Risø-R-1657(EN))

In Europe, the European Commission is supporting turbine research through the SIROCCA Project:  ( ).

Propagation of Low Frequency Noise (Section 3.2)

The report makes important points concerning the propagation of turbine noise:  The cylindrical decrease in sound energy, the acoustically hard character of ground for low frequency sound, the low absorption by the atmosphere for low frequency sound and the ready penetration through residence walls.  These points needed to be emphasized in the executive summary, the conclusions and the recommendations.  At present they are not acknowledged by the Ministry of the Environment.  This is especially important as guidelines are drawn up for off-shore wind energy.

Noise Annoyance (Sections 3.5, 3.6 and 3.8)

Laboratory studies have their place.  Nevertheless, for reasons that Dr. Leventhall gives, as referenced in section 3.6, far more weight needs to be given to field studies in comparison to laboratory studies.  Missing from Section 3.6 is consideration of the amplitude modulation.  This is typically 5 dBA but higher values have been reported.  Dr. Leventhall himself has written: “A time-varying sound is more annoying than a steady sound of the same average level and this is accounted for by reducing the permitted level of wind turbine noise”.  As we are well aware, the Ministry of the Environment refuses to do this.

Section 3.8 quotes the work of Pawlaczyk and Luszczynska.  It was only fair to have quoted also the work of Persson Waye et al. (“Low Frequency Noise “Pollution” Interferes with Performance”, Noise Health, 4, 33, (2001)).  This paper comes to the opposite conclusion for low frequency noise at the 40 dBA level.

Health Effects (Section 3.11)

The Colby et al. and King reports were dealt with above.   Turning to the discussion of Dr. Pierpont’s work, the report is bizarre.  There is no mention of the bulk of the work on the medical study of a large number of people suffering adverse health effects resulting from wind turbine noise.  This work analyses the range of symptoms and finds reason to treat them collectively as a syndrome.  Separately, there are hypotheses for the cause of the syndrome.  Hypotheses are not proofs; scientifically, the presentation of a hypothesis is reason to study the problem and to demonstrate proof or otherwise.  Whether the hypotheses are correct or not is irrelevant to the fact that there are adverse health effects.  The energy devoted by Colby et al., King, CanWEA to denigrate the medical and diagnostic work of Dr. Pierpont is reminiscent of the methods we saw some decades ago used by the tobacco industry!  Again, I recommend a reading of the Phillip’s report on the power of crossover analysis in understanding the reality of adverse health effects from wind turbine noise.   There is a reference to Leventhall (2010) missing from the bibliography; nevertheless, I know that Drs. Leventhall, Colby and King are not epidemiologists!

Conclusions (section 5.0)

5.1)     Although turbine noise is broadband, at a distance of 500 metres, much of the high frequency sound has been absorbed.  Distance enhances the low frequency component as does turbulent inflow.

5.3)      Reference needs to be made to the Salt study demonstrating other pathways for the perception of very low frequency sound.

5.4)      This conclusion is wrong and is a red herring.  Turbine noise in the range 35 to 45 dBA causes annoyance and sleep disturbance.  These are adverse health effects and in turn lead on to other adverse health effects.  100 people reporting adverse health effects and more than a dozen families abandoning their homes in Ontario alone gives the lie to this conclusion.

5.5)      Non-trivial (a derogatory and unworthy expression) has no place in a professional report.  It should be replaced by about 20% being annoyed.

Recommendations (Section 6)

Given that the review of current technical literature in the HGC report has missed completely research dating back to Amiet and forward to detailed comparisons between theory and experiment on turbulent inflow noise, the first recommendation needs to be revised.  MOE does need to revisit its guidelines to include turbulent inflow noise, to treat the ground parameter as hard for low frequency sound, to reconsider spherical spreading, particularly for off-shore sound propagation, to address the uncertainty in the prediction of sound at a residence and, given the accepted enhancement of annoyance due to amplitude modulated noise, to apply a penalty for amplitude modulation.

Response to Backgrounder: Low Frequency Sound and Infrasound Report

What kind of noise do wind turbines produce?  Turbines do indeed produce a wide range of frequencies. However, the noise 550 metres or more from the turbine is skewed towards low frequency noise because of selective absorption of the high frequencies by the atmosphere.

Is wind turbine sound harmful? The Minister of the Environment writes that there is no direct health risk.  However, field studies have demonstrated that 15 to 27% of people exposed to turbine noise at the Ontario regulated limit will suffer annoyance.  This is an adverse health effect and in time leads on to other adverse health effects such as stress, tinnitus, headaches and sleep disturbance.

Are Ontario’s rules to control wind turbine sound stringent enough?  

The minister writes that at the Ontario regulated setback much of the sound that turbines produce lays outside the range that people can hear.  This is untrue.  Field studies show that at the regulated setback, 80% of people can hear the turbine noise.  Also, the minister fails to note that Germany, with its more extensive experience with wind energy, has a lower night-time noise limit than Ontario.

John Harrison

[1] Pedersen et al. consider five reactions to turbine noise: do not notice; notice but not annoyed; slightly annoyed; rather annoyed; and very annoyed.  They group rather and very annoyed together under the heading “annoyed”.

Responses to Wind Developer Spin


Replies to DP Energy's Q&A of March 2011 :

1. Wind Farms are inefficient     

2. How much energy will Bow Lake generate?    

3. How much energy does a wind turbine use?

4. When you take the CO2 it takes to build turbines and deconstruct wind farms there is no saving on CO2.

5.  I've heard that wind energy doesn't really reduce pollution, because other, fossil-fired generating units have to be kept running on a standby basis in case the wind dies down. Is this true?


1. Wind will not produce enough power to shut down our coal plants

2. Why are you using the wilderness of the Lake Superior coast line to provide power to Southern Ontario?

3. Ontario does not need the power. It has too much power even to export. Ontario does not need the power, they can get it from Quebec.


1. What about turbines throwing ice or turbine blades?

Impacts on Tourism, Lake Superior Park and Highway 17 Corridor

1. What about Cumulative Impacts and the other developments in the area?

2. What would the visual impacts be upon Lake Superior Provincial Park? The Highway 17 corridor, the Algoma Railway Line and the Lake Superior Shoreline?

3. Does wind farming affect tourism? How will it affect local tourism in the Algoma Region?


1. Roads: Will existing roads still be accessible to people with camps in the area and the general public?

2. Will there be restrictions imposed on Access to Crown Land or fishing lakes on the area?


1. Wind farms make you ill.

Noise, Low Frequency and Infrasound


ENERGY/EFFICIENCY/CO2 etc              

DP Energy: 1.1 Are wind farms inefficient?
Efficiency along with grid operation and kWh displacement of fossil fuel energy is probably one of the most misunderstood points in relation to wind power generation. In the Physics/Engineering sense of the word efficiency is simply a measure of how much kinetic energy can be extracted from the wind and usefully converted into mechanical and then electrical energy by the turbine.
The maximum amount of kinetic energy (i.e. the energy due to the air movement) that can theoretically be extracted from wind flowing through a disc type rotor is around 59% defined by Betz' law which was first formulated by the German Physicist Albert Betz in 1919 (Albert Betz: Wind-Energie 1926). It’s obvious that if we extracted 100% of the kinetic energy that would mean that the flow after the turbine would have to be zero and clearly, from a flow perspective that is simply not possible as new air would not be able to enter the rotor.
What is perhaps more important than efficiency is the amount of energy generated over the life of a turbine compared to the energy used in manufacturing it. This is discussed further in the following question below.

This is mostly true, the theoretical maximum amount of energy that can be extracted from the wind by a perfect wind turbine ranges somewhere between 31% and 61%.  The actual amount is substantially less due to friction inefficiencies of the rotor design etc...  Modern rotors can only achieve 70% to 80% of the maximum achievable, so the effective efficiency based on the rotor alone would be 48.8% at best and we haven't even started adding inefficiencies from friction etc...  Wikipedia has a good explanation here though it gets technical in spots.

Basically while partly true, as with most wind farm answers, this 'answer' is irrelevant as it doesn't address what most people mean when they say efficient, which is how much electricity do we get for our dollar, how fundamentally good an investment is wind power?  Answer, it isn't as I'll explain below.  Also how much electricity IWT generate over their lifetime compared to the energy used in making them is irrelevant as we are asking which form of generation gives us the biggest bang for our buck, the biggest return on our investment, both financial and of CO2 emissions.  Wind requires more land and more materials than any other form of electrical generation except for hydro, and hydro generates way more, and way more reliably, than wind farms see the table on page 2 of  this document.

1.2 I’ve heard that when you consider the CO2 it takes to build turbines and deconstruct wind farms, there are no savings on CO2. Is this true? All electricity generation systems have a ‘carbon footprint’ and at some points during their construction and operation, carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted. There has been some debate about how large these footprints are, especially for low carbon technologies such as wind and nuclear. The UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology produced a report (Ref POSTnote October 2006 Number 268) which compared the life cycle CO2 emissions of different electricity generation systems currently used in the UK and concluded that wind turbines have one of the lowest carbon footprints of around 5gCO2eq/kWh, compared with 500gCO2eq/kWh for gas generation, and over 1000gCO2eq/kWh for conventional coal.
From an energy perspective, the Danish Wind Manufacturers Association produced a note on Energy Balance (Ref Background Information Note No 16:1997) and concluded a modern Danish 600 kW wind turbine would recover all the energy spent in its manufacture, maintenance, and scrapping within some three months of its commissioning. It further observed that within its 20-year design lifetime it would supply at least 80 times the energy spent in its manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and scrapping. A more recent assessment undertaken by Vestas for their 3MW turbine estimates a 6.6 month energy payback for its V90 3MW on shore turbine (Life Cycle Assessment
of offshore and onshore sited wind plants based on Vestas V90 3.0W Wind Turbines June 2006). The calculation varies depending on the machine type and of course the local wind speed, but it gives an indication of why we suggest efficiency isn’t a very meaningful term when applied to a free fuel supply. Efficiency is obviously much more of a critical term when considering thermal plant which uses coal or gas since it’s a direct measure of wasted energy.

It is true, that if you consider only the CO2 emissions to manufacture, install, service and decomission a wind turbine

DP Energy: 2. How much energy will Bow Lake generate?

There are a number of terms used in describing wind turbines/farms and their energy production such as rated power, capacity factor, installed capacity etc and its worth discussing these. Bow Lake has an installed capacity (based on the nameplate rating or generator size) of 60MW (or 60,000kW), but will only generate at 60MW when the wind blows strongly enough for each wind turbine to reach this its rated power. A 2.3MW turbine such as a Siemens 2.3MW machine reaches its maximum or rated power of 2300kW at around 13-14meters/second and maintains this until approximately 25meters/second. If the Bow Lake machines ran at their full rated power for all 8760 hours of the year it would be described as have a capacity factor of 100%. In reality wind farms of course operate at lower capacity factors than this since the wind isn’t always blowing and we cannot simply switch the wind on at will. Bow Lake is expected to have a capacity factor of around 30%.

The calculation for annual energy production in kWh then is quite straightforward:

          = 8760 x 60,000 x 30% = 157,680,000 kWh

To put that into perspective the Office of Energy Efficiency (Ref National Energy Use Database 1997) gives two figures for average Canadian household electricity usage one for 23 367kWh (84.1GJ) per annum for homes which solely rely electricity and 8 587 kWh (30.9GJ) for households which also use Natural Gas.

Assuming an all electric dwelling the Bow Lake output would equate to around 6,750 homes, or alternatively for properties which use other forms of energy for heat (such as gas or wood) the electricity consumption of 18,400 homes. The total number of Private dwellings in the Algoma District is noted at 58,742, with 50,044 normally occupied (Ref: 2006 Community Profiles Statistics Canada).

(A more recent Office of Energy Efficiency survey (Ref: Survey of Household Energy Use 2007) gave the all energy consumption of the average Ontario household as 107 GJ (or 29,750 kWh) and noted that Natural Gas formed the principal energy source for heating (66%) but didn’t break out the average electricity consumption to repeat the calculation. However, it might be reasonable to assume the electricity consumption had been increased and household’s numbers would be proportionately be reduced. We will be looking for  more up to date numbers on this).

This is no doubt all very interesting, but again it is irrelevant, because

1) does any of the electricity generated by Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT) get used by Canadian households?

2) Is it in the ratepayer's best interests to generate electricity from IWT?

As is demonstrated on Ontario Wind Performance, all electricity generated by wind is exported, often sold for less than we pay for it, or given away.  There are other sites that have done similar calculations and come up with similar results: Tom Adams Energy at the bottom of the page.  Similar research has been done in other countries as well:

"The Danish power system has much higher total capacity with increasing share of
new natural gas power plants, which enables to absorb larger amount of windmills,
but the main answer is the use of Norwegian and Swedish hydro plants for the
compensation of fluctuations and also strong transmission links with German power
system. We analyzed the Danish wind energy data [7] and found strong correlation
between the wind electricity production and export of electricity (see Figure 2). It is
easy to conclude that the major part of wind-generated electricity has been exported."
O. Liik ∗ , R. Oidram, M. Keel: "Estimation of real emissions reduction caused by wind generators"; International Energy Workshop 24-26 June 2003, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

So wind energy is exported and we sell it at a loss which costs us hundreds of millions annually see here and here.

So as I've shown, the energy isn't used by Canadian households and we pay to supply 'green' energy to the US or other Provinces

Furthermore in their answer above, DP Energy uses a capacity factor of 'around 30%'  This is not likely to be the actual capacity factor for Bow Lake though, Prince WindFarm has only managed 26% since it started operation.  However capacity factor is a very misleading number as it gives the impression that Bow Lake will provide full power 26% (or 30% if you're willing to believe their guess) of the time.  That is very far from the truth. 

Here is an excellent analysis of how useless wind power is as a source of reliable energy for our homes.

So bottom line here is that Wind Plants really only have an effective capacity factor of around 10% and regardless of how many homes they will power (Canadian or otherwise) the electricity they produce costs WAY too much per kWh to be worth investing in.  The huge increase in the cost of power will hurt Ontario families and make Ontario companies less competitive, driving them to jurisdictions where energy costs less.

DP Energy: 3. How much energy does a wind turbine use?

Energy is certainly consumed within a wind turbine for various purposes such as energizing the generator, or powering the yaw motors which drive the rotor to face the wind. Blade heating using hot air blowers is also used on some cold weather turbines to increase energy production by reducing turbine downtime due to icing and again this consumes energy. However, despite some of the speculation you may have heard these numbers are very small in comparison to the production.

Wind farms are usually metered both for export and import since both are billed on a kWh output or input basis.  For November 2010 the monthly billing for one of our Irish wind farms showed the import being 0.38% of output over the month. The Bow Lake machines are unlikely to be significantly different

In respect of blade heating an experiment on a high elevation Swiss site St. Brais using Enercon E82 turbines demonstrated that a 3% increase of annual energy production could be achieved by blade heating whilst the blade heating itself would only reduce the annual production by 0.5%. (European Meteorology Society 2010 conference Wind Turbines in Icing Conditions)   

This is a very difficult question to answer factually because the actual power requirements of IWT and wind plants is closely guarded.  First, we don't even know that there is a meter on the power they use in Ontario.  Furthermore I suspect that they are being disingenuous and that the number is actually 38% in this case, or 0.38, not 0.38%.  Note no actual numbers are provided, not even for the number and size of the turbines.  Based on one 1.5MW turbine generating 26% of nameplate capacity (typical for Ontario) , 0.38% represents the electricity used by one 100W light bulb for 10.7 hours.  Seems pretty unbelievable doesn't it?  For example:

Energy produced by one IWT in November = 1500 (kW or 1.5MW) x 24 (hours) x 30 (days) x .26 (26%) x .0038 (0.38%) = 1,067kW

Now compare that to the list of power requirements listed

"Large wind turbines require a large amount of energy to operate. Other electricity plants generally use their own electricity, and the difference between the amount they generate and the amount delivered to the grid is readily determined. Wind plants, however, use electricity from the grid, which does not appear to be accounted for in their output figures. At the facility in Searsburg, Vermont, for example, it is apparently not even metered and is completely unknown [click here].   The manufacturers of large turbines -- for example, Vestas, GE, and NEG Micon -- do not include electricity consumption in the specifications they provide.

Among the wind turbine functions that use electricity are the following:†

- yaw mechanism (to keep the blade assembly perpendicular to the wind; also to untwist the electrical cables in the tower when necessary) -- the nacelle (turbine housing) and blades together weigh 92 tons on a GE 1.5-MW turbine

- blade-pitch control (to keep the rotors spinning at a regular rate)

- lights, controllers, communication, sensors, metering, data collection, etc.

- heating the blades -- this may require 10%-20% of the turbine's nominal (rated) power

- heating and dehumidifying the nacelle -- according to Danish manufacturer Vestas, "power consumption for heating and dehumidification of the nacelle must be expected during periods with increased humidity, low temperatures and low wind speeds"

- oil heater, pump, cooler, and filtering system in gearbox

- hydraulic brake (to lock the blades in very high wind)

- thyristors (to graduate the connection and disconnection between generator and grid) -- 1%-2% of the energy passing through is lost magnetizing the stator -- the induction generators used in most large grid-connected turbines require a "large" amount of continuous electricity from the grid to actively power the magnetic coils around the asynchronous "cage rotor" that encloses the generator shaft; at the rated wind speeds, it helps keep the rotor speed constant, and as the wind starts blowing it helps start the rotor turning (see next item); in the rated wind speeds, the stator may use power equal to 10% of the turbine's rated capacity, in slower winds possibly much more

- using the generator as a motor (to help the blades start to turn when the wind speed is low or, as many suspect, to maintain the illusion that the facility is producing electricity when it is not,‡ particularly during important site tours) -- it seems possible that the grid-magnetized stator must work to help keep the 40-ton blade assembly spinning, along with the gears that increase the blade rpm some 50 times for the generator, not just at cut-in (or for show in even less wind) but at least some of the way up towards the full rated wind speed; it may also be spinning the blades and rotor shaft to prevent warping when there is no wind§

(One need only ask utilities to show how much less "dirty" electricity they purchase because of wind-generated power to see that something is amiss in the wind industry's claims. If wind worked and were not mere window dressing, the industry would trot out some real numbers. But they don't. One begins to suspect that they can't.)

*There is also the matter of reactive power (VAR). As wind facilities are typically built in remote areas, they are often called upon to provide VAR to maintain line voltage. Thus much of their production may go to providing only this "energy-less" power.

†Much of this information comes from a Swedish graduate student specializing in hydrogen and wind power, as posted in a Yes2Wind discussion. Also see the Danish Wind Industry Association's guide to the technology. The rest comes from personal correspondence with other experts and from industry spec sheets.

‡An observer in Toronto, Ontario, points out that the blades of the turbines installed at the Pickering nuclear plant and Exhibition Place turn 90% of the time, even when there is barely a breeze and when the blades are not properly pitched -- in a region acknowledged to have low wind resource.

§'In large rotating power trains such as this, if allowed to stand motionless for any period of time, the unit will experience "bowing" of shafts and rotors under the tremendous weight. Therefore, frequent rotating of the unit is necessary to prevent this. As an example, even in port Navy ships keep their propeller shafts and turbine power trains slowly rotating. It is referred to as "jacking the shaft" to prevent any tendency to bow. Any bowing would throw the whole train out of balance with potentially very serious damage when bringing the power train back on line.
'In addition to just protecting the gear box and generator shafts and bearings, the blades on a large wind turbine would offer a special challenge with respect to preventing warping and bowing when not in use. For example, on a sunny, windless day, idle wind turbine blades would experience uneven heating from the sun, something that would certainly cause bowing and warping. The only way to prevent this would be to keep the blades moving to even out the sun exposure to all parts of the blade.
'So, the point that major amounts of incoming electrical power is used to turn the power train and blades when the wind is not blowing is very accurate, and it is not something the operators of large wind turbines can avoid.
'[Also, there is] the likely need for a hefty, forced-feed lubricating system for the shaft and turbine blade assembly bearings. This would be a major hotel load. I can't imagine passive lubrication (as for the wheel bearings on your car) for an application like this. Maybe so, but I would be very surprised. Assuming they have to have a forced-feed lubrication system, given the weight on those bearings (40 tons on the bearing for the rotor and blades alone) a very robust (energy-sucking) lubricating oil system would be required. It would also have to include cooling for the oil and an energy-sucking lube oil purification system too.'
--Lawrence E. Miller, Gerrardstown, WV, an engineer with over 40 years of professional experience with large power train machinery associated with Navy ships."

The above section quoted from: The Energy Consumption in Wind Facilities, by Eric Rosenbloom

The motors that operate the yaw mechanism (there are three or more per turbine) are 690V 3 phase 1.5kW or greater motors.  The motor that drives the hydraulics is a 21kW motor, which alone would only run for 50.8 hours, or 2 days (1,067,000 Watts / 21000W = 50.8 hours) based on all of the energy represented by that 0.38% ; add in the yaw motors and the turbine would operate for less than 2 days and we haven't even counted the power required to run everything else!

We are actively working at trying to get real, actual electrical usage numbers for IWT, until then all I can say is do you believe this 0.38% claim based on the list of electrical power demands each IWT has? If 0.38% won't even run an IWT for 2 days, how can it run one for a month?

DP Energy: 4. When you take the CO2 it takes to build turbines and deconstruct wind farms there is no saving on CO2.

All electricity generation systems have a ‘carbon footprint’ and at some points during their construction and operation carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted. There has been some debate about how large these footprints are, especially for low carbon technologies such as wind and nuclear. The UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology produced a report (Ref POSTnote October 2006 Number 268) which compared the life cycle CO2 emissions of different electricity generation systems currently used in the UK and concluded that wind turbines have one of the lowest carbon footprints of around 5gCO2eq/kWh, compared with 500gCO2eq/kWh for gas generation, and over 1000gCO2eq/kWh for conventional coal.

From an energy perspective the Danish Wind Manufacturers Association produced a note on Energy Balance (Ref Background Information Note No 16:1997) and concluded a modern Danish 600 kW wind turbine would recover all the energy spent in its manufacture, maintenance, and scrapping within some three months of its commissioning. It further observed that within its 20-year design lifetime it would supply at least 80 times the energy spent in its manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and scrapping. A more recent assessment undertaken by Vestas for their 3MW turbine estimates a 6.6month energy payback for its V90 3MW on shore turbine (Life Cycle Assessment of offshore and onshore sited wind plants based on Vestas V90 3.0W Wind Turbines June 2006) Obviously the calculation varies depending on the machine type and of course the local wind speed but it gives an indication of why we suggest efficiency isn’t a very meaningful term when applied to a free fuel supply. Efficiency is obviously much more of a critical term when considering thermal plant which uses coal or gas since it’s a direct measure of wasted energy.

Again, this is mostly true, but so what?  First, there is no scientific proof that human caused CO2 poses any danger to the planet or the climate.  Second the intermittency and unreliability of wind means that for every 1 kWh of wind generation we build, we need to build at least 0.9 kWh of back up generation to generate electricity when the wind isn't blowing.  Typically that back up generation is natural gas based because it reacts faster to changing demands than coal or nuclear.  On top of which, when cycling coal or natural gas plants you create inefficiencies in their operation, just like a car in heavy traffic gets fewer miles per gallon because it accelerates and slows down repeatedly.  Depending on the studies and the nature of the existing generation assets as well as the amount of Wind generation as a percentage of the whole, these inefficiencies can amount to between 5% and 20% which means that not only does wind power not save much, if any, CO2 emissions, it may actually cause them to increase.  On top of which from an economic point of view if we want 2000MW of Wind energy we will have to build at least 1800MW of conventional or nuclear generation.  Wind generation costs two to three times (or more depending on location) as much to build per kWh as does conventional coal or natural gas.   So we build 2000MW of wind generation, then we build 1800MW of conventional generation (to supplement/back up the wind power) and each kWh of power thereby costs us at least 3 to 4 times as much than if we had just built a 2000MW gas or coal plant.  On top of which we don't save any CO2 emissions, if that even matters (though it is the only selling point these companies have)

Here are three papers which you might find interesting:

1- Speaking Truth to Wind Power

2- There is no Free Lunch Except for Windfarms

3- Watts with the Wind

One, 'There is No Free Lunch Except for Wind Farms' deals with all of the issues I've discussed so far and has many good references.  Herewith also are a number of links to papers on the CO2 reductions (or lack thereof) to be expected from wind power.  The interesting thing is that they are written by people from many different countries and they all find similar results.  The Bentek study from Colorado is particularly noteworthy because Bentek is an energy industry company, an insider if you will, and they had access to data that is not publicly available.


IESO - Integrating Renewable Generation

You might also enjoy listening to this.

DP Energy: 5.  I've heard that wind energy doesn't really reduce pollution, because other, fossil-fired generating units have to be kept running on a standby basis in case the wind dies down. Is this true?

Wind energy does not specifically require standby plant.  What actually dictates the size of this standby or so called Operating Reserve (OR) plant is the potential loss of the largest generators on the system – typically large nuclear generators. In Canada the IESO (that manages the grid) usually schedules between 1,380 and 1,580 megawatts of OR at any given time (

Wind is of course variable and it is true that other generating plant has to be available to the power system's operator IESO in order to supply electricity when the wind is not blowing but this is load following plant and the reality is this plant already operates in this way in order to follow the general variation in loads over the course of the day. It is quite easy to schedule plant to follow load since the wind does not just start and stop. Typically, wind speeds increase gradually and also taper off gradually, in fact the fluctuations in wind plant output generally change more slowly than do the changes in customer demand that a utility must adjust to throughout the day.

To help address the variable nature of wind energy the IESO is adopting a centralized wind forecasting system, (due to begin in mid-2012), which will allow the IESO to understand the periods of time in which greater levels of wind generation will be available.

In response to a similar question raised on a wind project in Scotland we wrote a paper in conjunction with one of the Scottish Utilities (Scottish and Southern Energy), who actually do manage plant and operate a diverse supply portfolio of plant which dealt with this question(Ref:AssessmentofOp&Effectiveness_March2006). Whilst clearly there are differences between Scotland and Ontario and the plant fuel mix the principles are the same. The main observation of the report was that the reductions in load following plant efficiency (by running the plant at off maximum loads) in order to accommodate wind variability was not significant.

Wind doesn't specifically require Standby or Operating Reserve, it specifically requires backup power.  It needs power to energize it generators and there must be a source of power to fill in for wind power as the wind fluctuates, as DP Energy admits.  However this load following plant now has to compensate not only for demand fluctuations, but also for wind fluctuations and typically wind power output drops as daily demand rises.  There are many studies, done in many different countries, by different people and organizations
(5 are cited above), which all conclude that Wind Power doesn't reduce CO2 emissions at all and may even increase them.  The scientific consensus is obvious, Wind Power doesn't reduce CO2 emissions at all and may even increase them.

" Operating Reserve:
Ontario’s IESO manages an operating reserve (OR) market, which is essential to maintaining the reliability of Ontario’s electricity system by ensuring that there is always enough supply to meet the demand for electricity. "

So Operating Reserve is specifically to balance supply to demand, it can also be called upon in the event of the loss of a base load generator.  The operating reserve typically consists of 270MW of spinning reserve (plants that are "idling" and ready to supply power) plus 1080MW of 10 minute reserve (plants that can be started up and supply power within 10 minutes) and 203MW of 30 minute reserve (plants that can be started up and supply power within 30 minutes). When Wind Power is only a small percentage of the grid, the backup power required by Wind's variability and unpredictability can be drawn from the 10 Minute spinning reserve, or excess production, without seriously affecting the reliability of the electrical grid.

For example, on March 30, 2011 between midnight and 3:00 PM, wind supplied and average of 65.13MW per hour (
5.2% of an installed capacity of 1250MW) and varied by 6MW to 24MW from hour to hour.  The 10 minute spinning reserve would provide the power wind wasn't and the spinning reserve would then be reduced from 270MW to between 246MW and 264MW.  No problem, except that the 10 minute spinning reserve is now accelerating and decelerating, which introduces some inefficiency and causes it to produce more CO2 emissions and require more maintenance than normal (see the references in the preceding section).  However on a day like March 24, 2011, the wind power dropped 213MW in the space of 2 hours - now the 10 minute spinning reserve is down to 57MW.  Unless of course Ontario was producing between 3052MW and 5796MW more power than needed, as it was...  Which begs the question:  Why do we need expensive and environmentally damaging Industrial Wind Turbines in the first place?  As we saw above, the power from them is just exported for less than we paid to generate it.

Currently Wind Power represents about 2% of Ontario's generating capacity. However as the percentage of Wind Power increases on the grid and surplus production drops as a result of economic recovery and growth in demand, the amount of spinning reserve required to backup Wind Power will increase.  By Regulation, the IESO can only allow the 10 minute spinning reserve to drop below 270MW for short periods of time.  As the percentage of Wind Power on the grid increases Ontario will be obliged to build new gas-fired or nuclear generating stations to back up Wind.  So given how little power Wind produces, why not just build the gas plant or nuclear plant and save ourselves the cost of the Industrial Wind Turbines?

Wind power can vary quite a bit from minute to minute and hour to hour and
the way its speed changes can be quite abrupt at times as shown in the graphs on page 35 and 43 of Bentek's report (cited above).   Here in Ontario it is not uncommmon for Wind Power to rise or drop unpredictably by 100MW or more within an hour, whereas demand fluctuates more slowly and, more importantly, predictably.  Anyone living off the grid with a small wind turbine can attest to that fact.  Whether or not the fluctuations in Wind Power occur more gradually than the changes in demand is not the point. Wind Power supplies most of its power during off-peak times and least of its power during peak hours.  The point is that Wind Power fluctuates inversely with demand and power must be supplied from somewhere when wind doesn't.  What that means is that Wind Power is a total waste of money, we are building twice the needed capacity at three times the cost.


DP Energy: 1. Wind will not produce enough power to shut down our coal plants

Whether a fossil fuel plant will be closed by more wind generation would depend on the specific grid conditions and the balance of other plant on the system. Like most networks the Ontario grid system has been designed around large generators feeding the system and transporting power from Generator to Consumer through a network of progressively reducing voltage. As more wind and other renewable generation is introduced usually at lower voltages within the distribution system and other plant reaches the end of its life the system and its operation is likely to change and that will involve readjusting the fuel mix and closing down plant but it isn’t going to happen overnight. However it is worth noting that Ontario’s Long Term Energy Plan published by the OPA (Ref Long Term Plan)has a target for 0% generation from coal by 2030. There will, however, always be a need for a mixed fuel grid system, with a variety of plant  providing Operating Reserve and Load Following Capacity. It’s obvious that without storage one cannot have just a wind only grid system.

In the short term, however, more wind generation does enables less coal or gas to be burnt since load following plant can be run at reduced loads when the resource is available.  This can generally be done without major losses in efficiency (Ref: AssessmentofOp&Effectiveness_March2006). There are therefore real savings in CO2 emissions.

The first paragraph of generalizations is true enough, however not a single coal fired power plant in Germany or Denmark, the two countries with the most installed Wind Power capacity, have been shut down as a result of Wind Power.

Furthermore, in Ontario, based on the IESO's data, Wind Power doesn't displace any coal generated power.  In other words there is no CO2 savings because the plants aren't being run at reduced loads even when Wind Power is available.

Furthermore the Engineering and Scientific consensus, based on numerous reports by Industry experts and lay Engineers, is that THERE ARE NO CO2 SAVINGS to be had from Wind Power.  The report cited by DP Energy, above, was written by an employee of DP Energy and a manager from a Scottish Utility, neither of whom we know to be Engineers and neither of which are impartial.  I would prefer to believe impartial Scientists and Engineers when it comes to technical analysis like this.

It is worth reading this excellent article on the subject by Michael Trebilcock - "Wind power is a complete disaster"

This commentary was first published in the Financial Post on April 9, 2009.

There is no evidence that industrial wind power is likely to have a significant impact on carbon emissions. The European experience is instructive. Denmark, the world's most wind-intensive nation, with more than 6,000 turbines generating 19% of its electricity, has yet to close a single fossil-fuel plant. It requires 50% more coal-generated electricity to cover wind power's unpredictability, and pollution and carbon dioxide emissions have risen (by 36% in 2006 alone).

Flemming Nissen, the head of development at West Danish generating company ELSAM (one of Denmark's largest energy utilities) tells us that "wind turbines do not reduce carbon dioxide emissions." The German experience is no different. Der Spiegel reports that "Germany's CO2 emissions haven't been reduced by even a single gram," and additional coal-and gas-fired plants have been constructed to ensure reliable delivery.

Indeed, recent academic research shows that wind power may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions in some cases, depending on the carbon-intensity of back-up generation required because of its intermittent character. On the negative side of the environmental ledger are adverse impacts of industrial wind turbines on bird life and other forms of wildlife, farm animals, wetlands and view sheds.
To read the full article click here

DP Energy: 2. Why are you using the wilderness of the Lake Superior coast line to provide power to Southern Ontario? The impact of needless transmission lines and other infrastructure would be much less is these installations were put in Southern Ontario  where the demand is.

There are a number of parts to this question:

Wilderness can be defined in a number of different ways but usually includes terms describing it as where the effects of man are not apparent. However, whilst the Bow Lake site certainly has a remote feel to it both the site and the local area show significant impacts of human presence. The site is actively managed by a forestry company for selective timber felling and is serviced by a number of roads to facilitate extraction. Immediately to the north the Montreal River has a long history of renewable generation dating back to 1938. Gartshore Dam and Generating Station (23MW) lies 2km to the north west and is only one of 4 hydro power stations located along its length with the Mackay Station (62MW) upstream, and the Hoggs (19MW) and Andrews Stations (47MW) downstream. These stations are linked by service roads and the two 115kV overhead lines which run east – west along the river and onto the main Mackay substation and 230kV Transmission system. Immediately to the west of the site is a licenced aggregate pit, and further west at the junction with Highway 17 lies a working Ontario MNR Dump.

In respect of transmission lines very little infrastructure will be required to connect the Bow Lake Project to the electricity grid. It was for this reason Bow Lake was one of the projects awarded a Feed In Tariff contract rather than being placed on the Economic Connection Test list (Ref: The Bow Lake wind farm will connect directly to the two existing 115kV transmission lines which service the Montreal River Dams.

In an ideal world generation would be at the point of demand but that is not always practical or desirable and power stations of all forms need to be where the resource is (e.g. coal mine, river, windy land etc), or where the infrastructure is in place to support them (e.g. rail head or shipping berth for example). Wind farms need large areas because they are capturing a low density resource and whilst there obviously are good wind farm locations in Southern Ontario there are also good locations in Northern Ontario where good resource exists and plenty of area to develop significant projects. Bow Lake is particularly fortunate in that it has both resource and existing grid infrastructure.

It is not a question of 'wilderness' it is a question of habitat destruction and fragmentation and the consequent loss of biodiversity.  As anyone from the north knows, selective logging does not fragment habitat the way wind stations do and once the loggers leave the area the forest regrows and reclaims the logging roads.  There are no thousand ton steel and cement constructions pulsing infra sound, or roads and clearings that are kept open by chemical and mechanical methods.  There are no IWT killing birds and bats, many of which are migratory species and protected under the Endangered Species Act.  The only blessing, as far as this project is concerned, is that major new transmission lines won't have to be cut through the forest.

The impact on the view shed, tourism and the environment does not justify the meager amount of energy we will get from this project.  It is a very poor investment of public money in the form of guaranteed feed-in-tariffs.

DP Energy: 3. Ontario does not need the power. It has too much power even to export. Ontario does not need the power, they can get it from Quebec.
The Ontario’s Long Term Energy Plan published by the OPA (Ref Long Term Plan) actually projects a sizeable increased requirement for generation of 48,000MW by 2030 (compared with the projected 36,975MW in 2010). Grid systems rarely operate in isolation and it is common for them to be interconnected across borders to facilitate power transfer back and forth. This significantly aids system reliability since there is a larger pool of reserve generation available. However, it is unlikely any one Province/State or Country would want to be solely dependent on any other purely from a perspective of security of supply.  This is one of the benefits of resources such as wind and hydro which are not vulnerable to fuel supply or fuel cost variations.

The OPA's projections, 29 years into the future, is pure guesswork.  They couldn't even predict the downturn in demand from 2007 to 2008!  How is anyone going to predict anything 29 years into the future?  If we are going to daydream, why not consider that by then we will have clean, affordable non-polluting cold fusion (  Furthermore the OPA's plan to meet our increased energy needs aren't really based on wind power, they are based on nuclear, hydro and gas generation.  Yes there is a plan to build more IWT, but that is merely ongoing corporate welfare, a handout from the Government to its friends, which the people of Ontario will pay for through electricity rates.  In any case, Wind Power Stations only take 2 to 4 years to build, so if indeed our requirements for energy increase and exceed our present unused generating capacity, it is time enough to build them in the future.  There is no need to build IWT today (which have a 20 year life expectancy) just because we might need power in 29 years time... 


DP Energy: 1. What about turbines throwing ice or turbine blades?

Ice can build up on wind turbine blades or on the nacelle, as it does on any structure which is exposed to the elements, when appropriate conditions exist. When stationary, a turbine is no more likely to suffer from ice accretion than any large stationary structure  such as a buildings, trees or power lines and like such structures, this accreted ice will eventually be released and fall directly to the ground. However, when operating, ice can also accrete on the rotor blades and observations suggest that higher ice accretion rates occur due to the relative velocity of the rotor blades.

Usually icing of the blades is accompanied by icing of the turbine wind sensors and this would inhibit the turbines from starting or shut them down if they were running. Similarly sensors also detect rotor imbalance and would shut a machine down if the imbalance became too great. There are scenarios where ice throw can occur and it is recognized that ice fragments which detach from the rotor blades can be thrown significant distances from the wind turbine. The theoretical maximum distance of potential ice throw for the proposed Bow Lake turbines is around 300metres well within the immediate area of the turbines and their access roads.
Any fragments which are thrown will land directly below the wind turbine, in the plane of the rotor or downwind. A study of icing throw in the Swiss Alps (Ref: Wind Turbine Studies in the Swiss Alps) based on 600kW Enercon machines recorded that almost 40% occurred within 20metres (blade radius), with a maximum throwing distance of 92metres well below the theoretical maximum of 135metres for that machine.

It is fairly easy to predict when icing events are likely to occur and therefore to initiate precautionary measures by posting warning signs and issuing advisories for anybody likely to be in the close vicinity of the turbines. It is also easy to protect service crew actually accessing the machines by utilizing remote shut down and yawing (by modem).

In respect of blade throws these were common in the industry's early years, but are almost unheard of today on modern utility scale machines because of better turbine design and engineering and the implementation of well defined turbine design and manufacture standards. In reality most of the dramatic failures that have happened through blade overspeeds for example have resulted from human error during commissioning. Wind turbines are unfortunately no different in this than most other pieces of technology.

Lighting strikes and blade damage can and do occur and we have had a number of these on our own wind farms in Ireland but these do not result in the loss of blades or even blade fragments just the localized splitting of the blades edges, loss of power and sometimes temporarily increased noise until the machine is shut down and repaired.

Unlike the Nuclear Industry, there is no requirement for Wind Stations to report mechanical failures or accidents unless they endanger or injure workers.  Therefore it is extremely difficult to verify the claims made by Wind Station Operators, however Caithness Windfarm Information Forum 2010 reports on IWT accidents.  There were 344 accidents at Wind Stations around the world between 2008 and 2010.  Nineteen of these accidents resulted in human fatalities, of which 40.4% involved the general public, not employees.  There were 31 accidents which injured humans, 20.3% of which involved members of the public.  There were 63 incidents of blade failure. Pieces of blade are documented as traveling over 1300 meters.  In Germany, blade pieces have gone through the roofs and walls of nearby buildings. This is why CWIF believe that there should be a minimum distance of at least 2km between turbines and occupied housing - in line with other European countries - in order to adequately address public safety and other issues including noise and shadow flicker.  There were 40 turbine fires in those three years. The biggest problem with turbine fires is that, because of the turbine height, the fire brigade can do little but watch it burn itself out. While this may be acceptable in reasonably still conditions, in a storm it means burning debris being scattered over a wide area, with obvious consequences. In dry weather there is obviously a wider-area fire risk, especially for those constructed in or close to forest areas and/or close to housing. Two fire accidents have badly burned wind industry workers.  Here in the North, during the fire season, this could be disastrous.

In their DRAFT Fire Prevention and Preparedness Plan DP Energy has stated “Firesmart construction will not be used at the Bow Lake wind farm site as the wind turbine structures are not flammable or at significant risk of ignition.”

At two recent Open Houses held in Goulais and Sault Ste Marie, DP Energy stated that their turbines do not have fire suppression equipment installed and that, in their opinion, it is not needed inasmuch as turbines left to burn themselves out will not start forest fires.  Given that there is recorded evidence of pieces of burning blade being carried many hundred meters by the wind and flaming oil running down the turbine support column, this claim seems unreasonably optimistic in a situation where the nearest first responders are a volunteer fire department which will take at least 1 hour to get on site.  It would seem to some of us in Montreal River that a reasonable person should take such precautions as were required to ensure that any danger posed to the community by their equipment was mitigated to the greatest extent possible.

Given the obvious fact that they do catch fire and the danger to the forest and inhabitants of the area it demonstrates a singular lack of social responsibility by this Irish company that has no understanding of conditions here in the North and cannot be held financially responsible for any damages their turbines will cause.

IWT FireFlaming IWT

Impacts on Tourism, Lake Superior Park and Highway 17 Corridor

DP Energy: 1. What about Cumulative Impacts and the other developments in the area?

A number of maps have been circulated by various opposition groups suggesting there might be 1,000MW of wind projects comprising up to 640 wind turbines between Sault Ste Marie and the Lake Superior Park.

How likely is this to become a reality?

Prince of course is already built (189MW), but the reality is that of these ‘1000MW of projects’ only Bow Lake (60MW) and Goulais Phase 1 (25MW) have obtained Feed in Tariff (FIT) contracts from the OPA Without a FIT contract and grid connection none of the other projects can proceed.

Nimaasing (200MW) is on the Economic Connection Test list as is the second phase of Goulais (15MW) and it is uncertain whether they will proceed in the future or at all.

Of the others the Offshore Projects have all been shelved although in reality it is worth noting that it was extremely unlikely they would have been able to proceed anyway once the 5km offshore constraint on siting had been applied since this would have pushed them into deep water and made the construction costs prohibitive.

Cumulative impacts (including visual/avian etc) are normally assessed on a first past the post basis. In other words a second wind farm which applies for permits needs to take into consideration any project that precedes it, and similarly a third wind farm needs to consider the previous two. In this way the degree of impact is assessed progressively until at some point the impact is considered too significant and permits will be refused. That is standard practice in most jurisdictions. For Bow Lake it is almost impossible (nor very meaningful) for us to assess cumulative impacts of any wind farm which hasn’t entered permitting, been designed or which is little more than a speculative wind resource monitor application or site.

Bow Lake is a significant distance from the only permitted and built Prince Wind Farm and we wouldn’t normally look at cumulative effects at these distances because they are so large.

It is true that without a FIT contract or grid connection no project can proceed.  However prior to receiving their FIT contract or passing the ECT, the same could be said of the Bow Lake projects.  The Nimaasing's project importance is ranked 23rd out of 55 in the region by the OPA.  The Goulais project is ranked behind it, but given the Ontario Government's mandated renewable energy targets there can be little doubt these projects will move ahead and be developed.  Why else would Gilead Power be spending money on its Mica Bay project, erecting two metereological towers and commencing the Environmental Assessment?

As to the cumuilative impact, we don't expect DP Energy to look at cumulative effects, that responsability rightfully lies with the MNR & MOE, neither of which will conduct substantive review of cumulative impacts so long as the Ontario Government mandates that they expedite and streamline the approvals process for Industrial Wind Stations.  The MNR already approves projects which it knows will kill thousands of migratory birds and bats every year and issues permits to harass, kill and destroy habitat of endangered and protected species to Industrial Wind Developers.

There is no independant, objective evaluation of the cumulative impact of thousands of IWT being built in North America, all of which impact migration routes.

DP Energy: 2. What would the visual impacts be upon Lake Superior Provincial Park? The Highway 17 corridor, the Algoma Railway Line and the Lake Superior Shoreline?

How someone feels about the visual impacts of a wind farm is very subjective and often depends on what that persons view is of wind turbines in general. If one were of the opinion that wind turbines do not make any useful contribution to CO2 mitigation, you might form  a different opinion than if you believed that they genuinely did make a difference. So in response to these questions rather than making pronounced statements about what our opinion of impacts are we have elected to provide the information with visibility maps and photo representations to let people make up their own minds.

In terms of the siting of the proposal the Bow Lake turbines are set back around 6km from the Lake Superior Coast in order to reduce their direct impact on the coast whilst at the same time being close enough to benefit from the winds coming off the lake.

The Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) or Viewshed maps which show where turbines may or may not be visible from are posted on the webpage These ZTV maps are theoretical in that they are just based on land form and don’t take into account any forestry or buildings etc which obviously would reduce the actual visibility from the ground significantly.

The ZTVs have been calculated out to a distance of around 30km but in reality turbines appear very small at this distance even if they are visible at all, and blades are generally only visible up to around 10km and then only in conditions of good visibility. A good way to test this for your self would be to view an existing wind farm such as Prince at varying distances. (You should bear in mind though that the Prince turbines are somewhat smaller than those at Bow Lake (150m) but of course in reality no utility scale machine can be described as small and these are all big machines).

What the maps show is limited visibility on the coastline, on the Highway 17 corridor and very restricted locations of potential visibility on the Algoma Railway. Views from within the Superior Park are constrained by topography (particularly in respect of the Agawa Canyon for obvious reasons) and vegetation. There will of course be views from open ground particularly at high level on some of the Mountain Trails but these are mostly mitigated by distance.

The ZTV maps are also used to identify where this visibility might coincide with specific areas of interest, such as defined viewpoints, key transit routes, scenic areas, tourist spots etc and we have already visited a number of these locations to ground truth the visibility compared to the bare earth visibility and to take photographs. Photomontages or photo representations illustrating the likely appearance of the turbines from these locations are then produced from these photographs in order to give a better sense of what the change to the view might be.

A number of the viewpoint locations were selected for production of photomontages and lie within the Lake Superior Park and along the lake edge. These images have been also reproduced on the web page and will also be displayed at the Public Open Houses.

(We will continue to add to this list over the course of the spring and summer and are open to suggestions of other possible viewpoint locations for consideration).


DP Energy: 3. Does wind farming affect tourism? How will it affect local tourism in the Algoma Region?

Concerns over adverse effects on tourism are often voiced but in fact there is no evidence to suggest this is remotely correct. The evidence in fact suggests that most people approve of wind farms and would actually be interested in visiting one if they were open to the public.

The UK's first commercial wind farm at Delabole received 350,000 visitors in its first ten years of operation. Also in the UK since opening in 2003 over 60,000 people have climbed the steps to the viewing platform of the Swaffham turbine in Norfolk (Ref: Sustainable Development Commission UK).

A MORI poll in Scotland (Ref Tourist Attitudes towards Wind Farms) concluded based on its survey of people 83% of whom said that they were attracted to the area by its beautiful scenery and views that 80% of tourists would be either very or fairly interested in visiting a wind farm visitor centre, and 91% felt the presence of the wind farms either had no effect (43% equal positive and negative) or a positive effect (43%).

A comprehensive Report for Scottish Government in 2008 (Ref: The economic impacts of Wind Farms on Scottish tourism) noted that 92% of visitors stated that scenery was important in their choice of Scotland as holiday destination. The study concluded that 75% of people surveyed were positive or neutral and only 10% strongly negative, and that for those people having seen a wind farm or photomontages 93-99% suggested they would return (Some of these noted that the experience actually increased the likelihood of returning).
There are a number of other tourism surveys that demonstrate similar results and the levels of support for wind farms but obviously the key question in relation to the Bow Lake and tourism is ‘What is the likely impact on the Algoma Region?’  In order to consider the possible impacts we have reviewed the local tourism literature available from various sources and visited many of these locations to assess visibility and where appropriate produced photo representations or photomontages. A number of these images are reproduced on the webpage and consider both likely visibility from the viewpoints and the key view directions. It is obviously difficult to prove there  will or will not be an effect until the effect has happened. However, based on the Scottish experience where landscape and scenery are also important to visitors it seems likely that effects would be similar and not significant.

Conveniently we have Prince Wind Farm as an example of the ability of IWT to blight the landscape of our watershed for miles around.  The IWT of Prince are clearly visible across Batchawana Bay at a distance of 30km.  We are keenly aware of the gross defficiencies of DP's misty, foggy, cloudy  Photomomtages which do not follow Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) best practices.  SNH admits that turbines of that size (which is actually smaller than those proposed for Bow Lake) would be clearly visible at a distance of 30km and that photomontages have a tendency to reduce the visual impacts. There should also consideration of the context in considering the degree of intrusiveness.
"The Economic Impacts of Wind Farms On Scottish Tourism" misinterpreted by DP as carte blanche to destroy the wilderness allure of this area actually states:
“There is often strong hostility to developments at the planning stage on the grounds of the scenic impact and the perceived knock on effect on tourism. However developments in the most sensitive locations do not appear to have been given approval so that where negative impacts on tourism might have been a real outcome there is, in practice, little evidence of a negative effect.” p.4
This is critical as transposed to the Ontario context where the most sensitive locations are NOT being seen to be protected and where the "knock on" effect can easily send tourists not just out of the area but out of the country.  It should be noted as well that the SNH survey indicated that there WOULD BE a negative impact on tourism and it was only reassuring to tourism in that the effect AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL would be minor. There are also criticisms to be made of the survey size and ability to extrapolate from confusion of issues however it is clear that the misuse of this document by DP merely serves to hide the true harm to be done here.
Planning recommendations made in the Report include:

… the impacts in some local areas are important enough to warrant specific consideration by planning authorities. These should include the following:
Impact on local economy and community development
Landscape character and visual amenity

The repeated views of industrial machines in convoluted terrain will give the impression of multiple developments littering the landscape and the boating public will gaze upon a shore pocked by whirling flashing beacons of the urban blight they sought to escape afloat on a pristine inland sea.

This too is considered by the SNH:
"It is the basic intrusion into the landscape that generates the loss...those tourists who do find wind turbines an objectionable presence are most likely simply to move to another area in Scotland. To ensure substitution opportunities it is important that areas are retained where turbine development is limited to supplying local needs in small remote communities, and indeed the wilderness nature of these areas publicised.” P.16  THIS IS JUST SUCH AN AREA!
Wilderness Scotland, (the 2005 Scottish Tourism Business of the Year), conducted a survey among clients in July 2005. This showed that 91% would not return to the Highlands if wind farms are significantly developed. Over 1600 people responded, from 21 different countries, illustrating the depth of feeling on this issue around the world. A poll was made in 2006 at the Monfragüe National Park in Spain. Only about 15% of tourists said windfarms would not affect their decisions when selecting a destination. 60% said they would NOT visit an area that had windfarms. The rest said they would only under certain conditions.

There are areas now which feel a sort of visual pollution tax should be levied on wind farms:
"Spain’s autonomous region of Castile-La Mancha, currently with over 3.7GW online, has voted to clamp a visual impact levy on all wind plants above 5MW.The levy is set at 1.6% of plant generation income for existing and new capacity. The regional government’s vice president, María Luisa Araújo, expects the levy to net €15 million annually and for it to be in force before 2012. South central Castile-La Mancha is the second region to establish such a tax. Galicia, in the north, enforced a “landscape impact” levy in 2009", (Credit:  Michael McGovern, , while the Tirol region of Italy, preferring the natural beauty of its mountains, decided to become a turbine free zone.
Justifying the violation of the wilderness ethos here based on the precedent of the existing hydro development and selective logging is egregious in its comparison of discrete low profile reservoir and dams set in the woodland context of beaver damned ponds and lakes, to noisy obtrusive, flashing blinking industrial machinery ruinous to views for a 30km radius, rearing above forested hills which reliably attract fall foliage tourists every year.  Having spent considerable time last fall at a scenic lookout on Lake Superior observing the shock and horror of tourists confronted with the news of the proposed industrialization of Superior and her watershed I don't need some little poll to tell me that they too would be offended to consider Lake Superior in the same tourism context as the world's largest slate quarry.  DP Energy's quoting tourism numbers for Delabole in the UK was not just an insult to this area and our intelligence, it was yet more disinformation.  Since the novelty of the first wind farm in the UK did not wear off soon enough to save the squandering of  £5m on a visitors centre which had to close after three years, Delabole stands as an example of how the wind industry sells itself to the gullible and greedy.


DP Energy: 1. Roads: Will existing roads still be accessible to people with camps in the area and the general public?

The majority of the Bow Lake proposal is on Crown Land and access provisions have already been discussed with the MNR at some length. The situation is clear in that following wind farm construction, all of the existing multipurpose road (such as Mile 67, Rebecca’s or the Twin Lake Roads) must remain open to other users just as they are currently. In fact since we will need to maintain 24/7 and 365 days access to the wind turbines in case we need to do emergency repairs or bring in replacement equipment access is likely to be significantly improved over the winter and thaw periods. There may need to be some temporary restrictions on the roads for safety reasons during construction which would be similar to restrictions for road repairs or felling and extraction of timber. Our intention would be to minimize these impacts and wherever possible find alternatives routes to avoid inconveniencing other users as far as possible.

In respect of the new roads within the wind farm footprint this still needs some further clarity and should be resolved shortly. However, we will be building new tracks to access each of the turbines bases and crane pads and it is probable these will be gated where they join the existing multipurpose roads. A significant proportion of these new tracks will incorporate the inter turbine electrical cabling either within or alongside the track. The rationale for gating is multifold - to protect the vehicle running surface, to ensure that the cable electrical circuits are not damaged, and also to ensure that improved access does not result in harm to the local wildlife (the Moose population in particular) due to increased hunting pressure.

This is as it should be, access to the Wind Generating Station roads should be restricted  in the interests of public safety, however all existing roads should remain open and accessible to citizens of Ontario

DP Energy: 2. Will there be restrictions imposed on Access to Crown Land or fishing lakes on the area?

There will be no restrictions on access to the existing multipurpose roads or the Crown Lands outside the immediate vicinity of wind turbines. Nor will there be restrictions to any of the regions fishing lakes.

This is as it should be.


DP Energy: 1. Wind farms make you ill.

Given some of the information currently doing the rounds on the internet you could easily be forgiven for thinking there was a growing body of medical evidence and expert medical opinion supporting the case that wind farms do indeed make people ill. Or at the very least there was enough concern within the profession that a moratorium should be called until any uncertainty was resolved. But is there any reality to the claims?

Dr. Nina Pierpont identified, defined and named a ‘clinical phenomenon’ Wind Turbine Syndrome. She describes the symptoms of this syndrome (Ref: Testimony NY legislature Committee 2006) as including:

1) Sleep problems: noise or physical sensations of pulsation or pressure make it hard to go to
sleep and cause frequent awakening.
2) Headaches which are increased in frequency or severity.
3) Dizziness, unsteadiness, and nausea.
4) Exhaustion, anxiety, anger, irritability, and depression.
5) Problems with concentration and learning.
6) Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

She and others describe various possible mechanism resulting from Low Frequency Noise that could cause these symptoms.

What do the various health bodies have to say about health issues?

The Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) (Ref CMOH May 2010 Report) stated that “The review concludes that while some people living near wind turbines report symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and sleep disturbance, the scientific evidence available to date does not demonstrate a direct causal link between wind turbine noise and adverse health effects”.

Chatham-Kent’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Colby, (Ref: The Health Impact of Wind Turbines: June 2008) “In summary, as long as the Ministry of Environment Guidelines for location criteria of wind farms are followed, it is my opinion that there will be negligible adverse health impacts on Chatham-Kent citizens. Although opposition to wind farms on aesthetic grounds is a legitimate point of view, opposition to wind farms on the basis of potential adverse health consequences is not justified by the evidence.”

Perhaps the best that can be said for Dr Pierpoints theory is that “it is physically and biologically plausible that low frequency noise generated by wind turbines can affect people” (Ref: National Health Service Knowledge Service - Question Page). The note also went on to say “the study was weak and no firm conclusions could be drawn”.

The reality is that there is no evidence to support any of the claims and the best that can be said of these apparently clear causal mechanisms was they are “plausible”. But this is not evidence. In her evidence to The NY Legislature (Ref: Testimony NY legislature Committee 2006) Dr Pierpoint also appears to have speculative views on other matters relating to low frequency noise and prion or mad cow disease. The full quote of the paragraph from her evidence is repeated without comment:

“I get a lot of slander and abuse from the wind salesmen. Their favorites are saying that my abundantly referenced and footnoted articles, like the one before you (note: a separate handout), have “no evidence,” or that I think wind turbines cause mad cow disease. The latter smear came from a town meeting in
Ellenburg, NY, in October 2004, when I presented information culled from the medical literature on possible effects of low frequency noise. This included a paper out of the UK linking low frequency sound to prion diseases by a complex and highly speculative mechanism. I was very clear how speculative it was, but apparently the concept of something being speculative was over their heads, including over the heads of wind salesmen in the room”.

The Global Wind Energy Council gives the total installed wind energy capacity (2010) as 194 GW. Even if that were solely made up of modern larger turbines the size of those proposed at Bow Lake that would equate to around 85,000 turbines. Whilst it would a fair observation to say that many of these are in relatively remote areas away from people, many are not and if there were serious impacts on public health would they not have materialized long ago and in significant numbers?

The quote of Dr. David Colby described above is perhaps worth repeating: “Although opposition to wind farms on aesthetic grounds is a legitimate point of view, opposition to wind farms on the basis of potential adverse health consequences is not justified by the evidence”. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying one does not like the look of turbines it doesn’t need to be justified by creating other speculative issues.

Does this remind anyone of the Tobacco Industry a few years ago?

Dr. Arlene King, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health and the author of one report cited above, never even interviewed or examined any of the people affected by Wind Turbine Syndrome!  So here we have a doctor diagnosing disease long distance without even talking to or examining the patients.  More to the point all she did was a literature review of selected publications, the same kind of tactic used by the Tobacco Industry 20 years ago.  Dr. King has no training or expertise in epidemiology.  Her report has been criticized and dismissed as woefully flawed and inadequate by experts in the field such as Dr. Carl V. Phillips and a number of doctors and medical experts whose criticisms can be found at  Dr. King even ignored the findings and opinion of the World Health Organization, for which she used to work, in her 'research'.  The World Health Organization acknowledges the relationship between annoyance and other health effects and recognizes noise as an “environmental health hazard”

Chatham Kent's Acting Medical Officer of Health is even less qualified to conduct an epidemiological study and Dr. Colby was reprimanded by the College of Physicians and Surgeons who stated: "Dr. Colby's expertise is in medical microbiology and infectious diseases, an area quite distinct form audiology or other fields related to the physical impact of wind turbines on human health.  Thus the committee wishes to remind Dr. Colby, going forward, of the importance of fully disclosing the extent of his qualifications in a field in which he has been retained as an "expert”.”  This does not seem to worry the proponents of Wind Energy who quote him repeatedly.  The fact that noise studies are misinterpreted just as DP misused the SNH reports is disturbing, and most telling of all, people who abandon their homes are ignored or mocked...., a sufficient reasons to doubt both the honesty and humanity of the players in the Green Energy game.  People don't abandon their homes because they don't like the look of something or are merely annoyed by it!

The medical profession didn't know what caused SARS or Sick Building Syndrome or Legionaire's Disease either when they first appeared, but research eventually discovered the causes of these diseases and ongoing research will do the same for Wind Turbine Syndrome.  To claim that there is no evidence is merely saying that the research is still in progress.

The facts are that some people do suffer health effects, physiologically evident and measureable health effects, not psychosomatic ones as the Wind Developers suggest.

Please visit The Society for Wind Vigilance for more information on the research into the health effects of IWT.

You can download a PDF of John Harrison's response to the CMOH's report as well as Carl V. Phillips excellent Analysis of the Epidemiology and Related Evidence on the Health Effects of Wind Turbines on Local Residents
by clicking on the foregoing links.  You can find more articles on Wind Turbine Syndrome here

Noise, Low Frequency and Infrasound

DP Energy: 1. Are wind turbines noisy?

Noisy no, but yes they make noise. All moving mechanical equipment or aerodynamic surfaces produce noise because no energy conversion is 100% efficient. The same is as true for trees swaying in the breeze, or a yacht making way under sail as it is for a wind turbine.

Wind turbines produce noise as a function of their rotating machinery, and the translation of the input energy from a low speed rotor through to high speed shaft and ultimately conversion of that mechanical energy to electrical energy in the generator. Further noise may be generated by the step up transformer converting the low voltage energy into higher voltages, firstly around the site and then at export. Typically the electrical noise is largely inaudible and disregarded and only the mechanical noise is relevant, in particular mechanical noise from the gearbox. Modern turbines are much better acoustically damped than those of early machines and gearbox  noise is rarely an issue today.

Wind turbines also produce aerodynamic noise as a result of the blades movement through the air. This noise comes from the leading edge, and trailing edge of the blade and most importantly from the flow around the blade tips where relative velocities are highest. Blade tip speed is a function of the turbine rotor circumference and the rotational speed of the rotor and is a critical design parameter in designing quiet wind turbines. Aerodynamic noise on a modern up wind rotor turbine where the rotor rotates on the wind ward side of the tower can be likened to a ‘swishing’ noise.

So are they noisy?

It is possible to stand underneath a turbine and hold a normal conversation without having to raise your voice. Obviously the further away one is the lower the noise levels and that’s why there are strict guidelines on wind turbines, setbacks and noise emissions to ensure the protection of residential amenity.

Noise is one of the topics it’s always been very difficult to describe successfully and although it’s comparatively easy to quote the noise decibel levels they tend not to be very meaningful to most people. Visualizations such as the one above are helpful but by far the best way to get a feeling for noise levels and experience the noise (or lack of it) is to visit a wind farm and see for yourself. Stand close to the machine and then stand 0.5 or 1km away upwind and downwind and see what you think.

DP Energy: 2. Do wind turbines produce low frequency noise and infrasound?

What is Low Frequency Noise? and Infrasound?

For a healthy young adult the range of hearing extends from a frequency of approximately 20Hz to 20,000Hz. Low frequency noise (LFN) lies at the bottom of this range and whilst not clearly defined it is generally taken to mean noise below a frequency of 150 Hz whilst noise at frequencies below about 20 Hz is generally referred to as infrasound.

The noise from a wind turbine contains energy spread across the audible frequency range and will also have some energy in the low frequency and infrasound range (albeit at low levels). This is not unusual and there are many sources of these frequencies present in any ambient background and it can be produced by variety of man-made sources, including machinery and transport and natural sources such as the sea, wind and thunder.

Infrasound? or Amplitude Modulation?

It is important not to mistake the audible characteristics of a wind farm which can be perceived, with infrasound.

The noise produced by air interacting with the turbine blades tends to be broadband noise, but is amplitude modulated at the blade pass frequency (the number of blades times the revolution rate), resulting in a characteristic ‘swoosh’. The results from a spectrograph measuring this ‘swoosh’ near a typical Vestas 2MW V80 wind turbine illustrates an amplitude modulation frequency of about 0.8 Hz (Ref HGC Report on Infrasound), but this is not infrasound it is simply the overall level of the broadband audible noise (containing a wide range of frequencies) that rises and falls at a low frequency rate.

It is reasonable to observe that the audible ‘swoosh’ and amplitude modulation might be expected to increase one’s awareness of the noise from wind turbines, and could potentially be argued to increase one’s annoyance but this isn’t infrasound and does not have health impacts.

What levels of infrasound are perceptible or safe?

The  International Standardization Organisation (ISO) designated the G-weighting network, dBG, specifically to deal with infrasound and the Environmental Protection Agency in Denmark has developed a criteria for infrasound in general (including wind turbines) of 85 dBG. This includes an allowance of 10 dB for people more sensitive than the norm.

Whilst at sufficiently high levels, infrasound can be dangerous and create serious health, visual and motor control problems, studies prepared for NASA suggest no significant effects from infrasound until the level exceeds 125 dB (linear). Infrasound levels of 85 dBG and lower are not sufficient to create human perception and in fact infrasonic levels created by wind turbines are often similar to the ambient levels prevalent in the natural environment due to wind. There is no evidence of adverse health effects caused by this infrasound.


DP Energy: 1. What about shadow flicker - isn’t this a problem?

What is Shadow Flicker?

Wind turbines, like other tall structures cast a shadow on the immediate area when the sun is shining strongly so if you lived very close to a wind farm, and had a narrow window facing the turbines, annoyance could result from the rotor blades chopping the sunlight, causing a flickering (blinking) effect while the rotor is in motion. Shadows cast outside a building are rarely an issue. Careful planning during the turbine siting can resolve this potential issue but in fact shadow casting problems are generally restricted to a few areas very close to the turbines. The further you get away from a turbine the less pronounced the shadow is and the less potential there is for shadow flicker.

Fenner County, New York. A low and strong winter sun casts a shadow behind a GE 1.5MW turbine....

…which extends in this instance a distance of approximately 1½ times the height of the turbine i.e. 150metres (70metre hub height 35 metre blade)
Is it possible to predict Shadow Flicker?

The maximum possible shadow flicker at a given residence can be predicted quite accurately. One may not know in advance whether there is wind, or what the wind direction is, but using astronomy and trigonometry one can compute either a likely, or a "worst case" scenario, i.e. a situation where there is always sunshine, when the wind is blowing all the time, and when the wind and the turbine rotor keep tracking the sun by yawing the turbine exactly as the sun moves.

Shadow flicker is easy to predict and where it has occurred mitigation is straightforward. In cases where a household is predicted to experience shadow flicker, wind developers have planted trees, altered siting or agreed to shut down turbines during predicted conditions of shadow flicker events.

For Bow Lake the closest residences or properties to the turbines are hunt and fishing camps which are all distant enough from the turbines to ensure that shadow flicker is not an issue.